Toddler I Program: 18m-2.5

Children in our youngest class participate in daily lessons designed specifically for them by their lead teacher using the Creative Curriculum guide in order to build on their desire to learn.  They are in a self-contained classroom and becoming familiar with routines such as circle time, snack time, restroom/potty training, hand washing,  art and music, science and math and social/emotional development through play and teacher instruction and self-help skills such as cleaning up toys, putting on shoes, pulling up pants etc.


 Toddler II Program: 2.5-3.5

Children in our Toddler II Program are building on prior skills and becoming fully prepared to enter our preschool program.  This is our first Preschool class. The teacher for this class designs daily lessons from the DLM Early Childhood Express Curriculum.  This class follows a daily routine with their teacher and is on a rotating class schedule with their teacher and classmates spending their day visiting Indoor and outdoor play areas, Art and Music rooms, and the Library and Computer room.  Along with their peers and teacher, all students move to each space together on the same schedule M-F.  Being in an environment appropriate for things such as Art and Music helps to create a full experience.  The lead teacher adds enrichment as needed. 

 Preschool and Pre-K classes: 3.5-5 

These classes follow a daily rotating schedule with the same peers and teacher to help create a full experience closer to that of Kindergarten.  Degreed Teachers design lessons using The DLM Early Childhood Curriculum, The Read, Play, Learn Curriculum with a strong focus on literacy activities and Heggerty Phonics for fun lessons daily.  Our preschoolers are beyond prepared for Kindergarten in areas such as phonics,  uppercase and lowercase letter recognition, number recognition, counting, sequencing, handwriting, cutting and pasting, following 2 and 3+ step instructions, manners, reading, music, science etc.  We have daily Music class activities and participate in daily Art classes as well.  Our students are presented with a variety of teaching styles and discover more each day through hands-on learning activities. Teachers add enrichment activities as often as they can for all students.  




Toddler Art





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